Practice Laps: Allowed

There will come a day when I will properly archive my writing from years and years ago. We all cringe at things we wrote when we were younger, even if “younger” just means “before the pandemic.” Still, there’s good material on this blog, despite my obvious and painfully earnest desire to be loved, so this blog stands for now, unpolished and unprofessional. If you do decide to take a trip down memory lane with these posts, take them with a grain of salt, especially the stuff from 2015.

A Study in Sacred Architecture: Churches of Stone

In 2011, I was lucky enough to be a recipient of the Phillips Travel Scholarship, which enabled me to spend about two and a half months backpacking through Europe, studying sacred architecture, mostly churches. The story goes that the lady who originated the scholarship had only one condition for recipients: that they come back and tell her what they learned on their travels. I, being the gloriously 1 wing 2 that I am, kept a detailed blog, along with an explainer page for some of the architectural terms I used in the blog. I like to think my writing is better, but there’s no replacing this 200-page testament to those times and place. If nothing else, you can use it for a small virtual tour around Europe during these, our plague years. Click the picture below to explore.

Science and Religion Blog: Conversation Starters

After we finished our masters in Science and Religion, my friend, Melanie Dzugan, and I tried our hand at writing a series of explainers on science and religion topics. We called it Conversation Starers, because we’re pretty committed to talking through difficult topics instead of avoiding them, and we tackle some good, dense ideas, like evolution and creationism, the soul, and why there’s something instead of nothing. Interested in reading more? Click the image below.